Saturday, July 26, 2008

Things I'm Fairly Convinced Of

1. If you vote for McCain you better like his Veep selection because more than likely he'll be President before McCain's term is up. In case you haven't noticed, McCain is OLD. He reminds me of the old Cold War Kremlin leaders the USSR would trot out and prop up with a stick. This is the best we can do?

2. God (however defined) exists only as a religious idea - a human invention. Man creates gods. Then they give those gods power to rule the universe and their lives.

3. Religiously speaking, there is no such thing as absolute truth. There are things people believe and things that people know to be true. And the two never meet.

4 . Dave Matthews is God. See? I can create a religion just like so many others before me. Let's use his lyrics as our guide for life and come up with a doctrinal statement. Think I can't do it? Check back later and I'll show you how easy it is to be a Matthewian.

5. McCain is a bitter, angry old man who is running a negative and dishonorable campaign. I liked him once because of his military service. His recent behavior only shows that the freedom he fought for has become his personal cesspool of pettiness and lies. What's next? Is he going to assert that Obama is a radical Islamic terrorist sympathetic to Bin Ladin?

6. Life is meaningless. There is no overriding universal purpose, no Supreme Being to appeal to for help and guidance. This is what it means to live responsibly. I take in my experiences and then I grant to those experiences whatever meaning I see fit. It's a much more liberating way to live.