Monday, September 10, 2012

50 Shades of Fray - The Big Question

A friend of mine asked me today, "How, after watching the Democratic National Convention could anyone in their right mind not be a Democrat?"   To which I replied, "The real questions is how any Republican who watched their own convention or who looks at the religious lunatics running their party can still be Republican?"

Here we have grown men who believe that forcible rape cannot possibly result in pregnancy because of the magical uterine pixie that prevents these kinds of things from happening.  Here we have grown men who believe the world and the entire universe was created six-thousand years ago by the mythical god of the ancient Hebrew nation.  Here we have grown men who think climate change is a "myth" and that Jesus and his Apostles sailed to America to save the American Indians.  Here we have grown men who somehow cannot fathom that having two divorces and three wives and connections to escort services might somehow conflict with their position as "family values" candidates.  And here, too, we have grown women like Ann Coulter.

The real question is this:  how long will it take before Republicanism in it's current form ends up on the scrap heap of bad ideas along with Chia Pets and the Flat Earth.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Modern Day Politics

I don't want a hand out. I don't even want a hand up. What I want is for a real and actual level playing field. But, it seems, it takes money to buy an even playing field. So what is a man who lost everything in his 40s to do now that he is in his 50s?

Still thinking about that one and again, I don't expect any help. But there is a man named Romney, who was born with a silver spoon stuck up his ass - you can tell because he acts as though he refuses to lick it, with talk about his own "struggles" and how he has feared the "pink slip" and how he has been put on earth to defend and uphold the middle class.

Romney, the man of the people. Almost makes a grown man weep - especially when he sings America the Beautiful a Capella. Romney, a man who has a couple hundred million in the bank - not made from building a business but from buying and selling them. A man with several sons (Mormons are famous for very large families because of their religious belief that one day they, and their offspring, will populate their very own planets - there is now an Evangelical equivalent to large family Mormonism and Catholicism called The Quiver Movement ) who all have reaped at least a hundred million each because of their dad's ability to (not start and build a company) buy and sell existing companies - and lay off thousands and of working moms and dads in the process. Talk about family values. This man is pure evil.

But, he's a Republican. Who, like Newt Gingrich, attracts hordes of faithful followers because religious folks of his ilk are way more interested in results than in process. Who cares what you do (three wives) or say (I'm not concerned about the poor) as long as you deliver the goods like Guns, God, and Anti-Anything-Gay?

In a world where "corporations are people my friends" there is no reason for real people to get anything but a sharp stick in the ass.