Sunday, August 24, 2008

Relax Everyone, It's Just Politics

So I'll admit that I was on the "Friends of Obama" email list that announced his selection of Biden before ANYONE ELSE IN THE MEDIA (do you really think for a minute that I believe that?) knew about it.

And now McCain is jumping all over this with his sophomoric (I'm John McCain and I'm running for Student Council) web ad that shows Biden (recorded during a primary debate) telling the George Stephanopoulus that Obama is not qualified to be President. Doesn't McCain know that candidates say things like this when they, themselves, are running for President against the other guy? After he picks Romney won't it be fun to watch reruns of all the digs they took at each other during the Republican primaries? Does McCain, as feeble-minded as he is, really think that Americans will say, "See? Even Joe Biden, Obama's VP choice, doesn't think he is qualified to be President?" Either McCain is the dumbest guy in the room or he just sits back in his recliner and says yes to whatever his handlers say will make the stupidest of American voters rise up and back him - which accounts, by the way, for a fairly significant portion of American voters. Say what you want, but after two terms of Bush can we all finally admit that American voters are not the sharpest knives in the drawer?

But my point, if there is one, is this: This is politics as usual. And I am SO sick of it I could puke on my keyboard. Look, if Obama had picked Hillary, the McCain campaign would have run an ad saying that Obama is weak and wimpy and knew he couldn't win without her. They would have made some Freudian assertion that he was searching for the love and affection of his mother or something. It's all spin, it's all about power, it's just politics.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Power of Political Prayer


So... and this is just so beautiful... now we have the "political arm" (as opposed to what? their right-wing-Evangelical-Nuthouse-arm?) of Focus on the Family producing a YouTube video asking their many, many, many intellectually challenged lemmings (I mean Godly followers) to pray for a rainstorm... a downpour of "biblical proportions", to fall upon Barack Obama during his acceptance speech at Invesco Field.

Not a "flood the basements of homeowners" rainstorm, just a "the cameras can't see the stage" sort of rainstorm. The "political arm" of FOTF is doing this because they're pro-life and believe in the sanctity of marriage (oops, guess they forgot that Obama is faithfully married to his only wife and McCain divorced his first wife after multiple affairs) and they want to win. So, why not a little rain and, presumably, some well-placed Yahweh directed lightning to take out the rival?

Seems the good folks at FOTF were criticized for politicizing their God-given mission to help parents whip their kids into submission and were so mortified and confused that they pulled the ad lest they "misrepresent the importance of prayer."


These people are, to quote Jim (don't photograph me from my right side because it shows my comb-over) Dobson, "fruitcakes."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why I Hate Divorce

The letter below was written in response to Paul Campos' column in the Rocky Mountain News entitled "Legal Marriage Obsolete." In his column, Mr. Campos suggests that the concept of legal marriage is outdated and needs to be revised, including the concepts of marital property and spousal support.

I have been mulling over the sheer stupidity and inequity of divorce laws and the results of my own divorce for some time and this column gave me an opportunity to put some of those thoughts on paper.


Mr. Campos,

I've been wanting to respond to your column for some time now. Before I share some of my thoughts with you let me give you a little background. I grew up in rural North Dakota in a very religious fundamentalist Baptist environment. I went on to receive a Masters of Divinity degree from Denver Seminary and pastored an evangelical church for several years. I left the ministry and the church fourteen years ago and eventually parted ways with Christianity and religion altogether.

I grew up and lived most of my adult life thinking that marriage was "sacred." In spite of that background, I couldn't agree more with your analysis of and recommendations for legal marriage. I was married for eighteen years and divorced seven years ago. No doubt you already know this but divorce laws are written to favor the "victimized" wife and moreover, are written as if all fathers are deadbeats and want to abandon their children.

So, my ex-wife, college educated and able to work full time, legally received the following:

-My house and all of my equity
-$14,000 per year in child support
-$28,000 per year in "spousal maintenance" for eight years

I am also legally obligated for the following:
-Payment of back taxes from 2002, the year we divorced (I still owe $18,000)
-100% of college expense for my daughter (she attends Loyola University Chicago)
-100% of education and ongoing needs for my special needs son

The terms of the divorce forced me into bankruptcy almost immediately (which, by the way, was the stated goal of her divorce attorney). It now is impossible for me to get financing for housing (I live in an apartment) or to co-sign on college loans.

I partly blame my own naivete and my inept divorce attorney for my situation. But I also blame the legal system for making this lunacy possible. It allows (even encourages) women to play the victim role and gives them an alarmingly powerful sense of entitlement. In the end, at least in my situation, I am left financially crippled and far less capable of helping my children - both of whom, by the way, I love and adore and am very close to.

So thanks for your opinions -- and when the Elimination of Marriage Amendment comes up for a vote, I'll be the first in line to support it.

Monday, August 4, 2008

You can pick your friends....

Apparently, John McCain thinks I'm his friend. He said so right in a fundraising letter I got from him over the weekend. "Dear Friend," he says. I always squirm a little when someone I don't know calls me "friend." I get the same feeling when I walk onto a used car lot.

You have to question the intelligence of a campaign that includes a registered Democrat and vocal Obama supporter in their mailing list. But if John really does think I'm his friend then I'll go ahead and ask him a few questions because that's what friends do.

So, John, why do you tout yourself as a "family values candidate" when you dumped your first wife the minute you got back from Vietnam?

Hey, John, ol' buddy ol' pal, why do you think it's ok to sing (when you think the camera isn't rolling) "bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran" to the Beach Boys tune in front of your war-crazed NRA supporters? Is it because you really are just a typical right-wing-war-monger like your new friend George?

John, my friend, why do you call Obama an elitist when the only reason you have gobs of money is because you married into it? Don't you realize that without the elitist money you've been living on since you dumped your first sick and injured wife and married your rich and beautiful second wife you wouldn't be on the national stage at this moment in time? Did you make this money on your own, John, did you old friend?

My dear friend, why is it that the only reason you got a recent bump in the polls is because you've gone negative, appealing to the least intelligent voter block by doing so, after you promised us during the primaries that if you were nominated you would run an honorable campaign based on the issues? Is your memory that short?

And why exactly, dear John, are you so insanely jealous of an African-American candidate who can go to Germany, of all places, and draw a crowd of 250,000? Shouldn't you be beaming like a proud old great-grandfather at the success of a fellow American? One who succeeded using the very American principles and values that you say you fought so valiantly and bravely to preserve?

Last question, John, my good friend, why are you acting like a desperate old man?