Monday, September 8, 2008

George Bush with Lipstick

'nuff said.

The Ghost Within

"We fall in love with ghosts."
- Michael Ondaatje, author of The English Patient and Divisadero.

Suddenly single. Or, in a relationship with me. Undefined. Alone. Happy. Sad. Hopeful.

Things fade quickly in the world of love. A mist that burns off in the heat of the day. We meet, we dine, we laugh, we make love, we... well, we don't always share in even the most intimate of relationships everything that makes us who we are. Our pain, our wounds, our fears, our struggles.

We are ghosts who fall in love with ghosts. We are, to the world around us, only a partial picture. The unseen picture is a mystery to others and often even ourselves.

Love, for all the songs and books and movies and preachers who try to define it, is still a vast sea of air that is unreachable, unfathomable, uncontainable. We ride its currents. We love its stillness. We are devastated by its power. We view it as both savior and demon. Like air, we are innately drawn to it, feel like we're drowning when we lack it, take it for granted when we inhale and exhale without thinking.

Love, for all the songs and books and movies... is the ghost that no one has ever seen and at the end of the day, leaves everyone wondering if it exists at all.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

She's hot, but can she lead?


Here's what we know:

She's a fundamentalist Christian.

She's a Creationist.

She hunts.

She loves Moose burgers.

She's a member of the NRA.

She has close ties (if not full membership) with the Alaska Independence Party which advocates Alaska's secession from the Union.

She has a Downs Syndrome baby.

She likes hockey.

Her daughter is pregnant and unmarried.

She was a mayor of a small town.

She's been governor of Alaska for less than two years.

She looks great holding an AK-47.

She wore a t-shirt in college that said, "I may be broke but I'm not flat-busted" referring to her ample boobs.

She lives in a state that is close to Russia.

She is pro-life, to the extent that abortion is not an option even in the case of rape or incest.

She is a kook and a nut-job.

If this is what America wants then America should go for it. Balls to the wall. Full out. Don't stop. Champion her. Support her. Vote for her. Suddenly McCain is irrelevant. Hell, he's going to die before his first term is up anyway. And we'll be left with an anti-science, Armegeddon seeking, NRA loving President to take us to the promised land. Wow. I never thought Americans would be stupid enough to embrace the likes of a Theocratic female war-monger like this. Guess I completely misread the situation.

"God, please, save us from your followers."