Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Power of Political Prayer


So... and this is just so beautiful... now we have the "political arm" (as opposed to what? their right-wing-Evangelical-Nuthouse-arm?) of Focus on the Family producing a YouTube video asking their many, many, many intellectually challenged lemmings (I mean Godly followers) to pray for a rainstorm... a downpour of "biblical proportions", to fall upon Barack Obama during his acceptance speech at Invesco Field.

Not a "flood the basements of homeowners" rainstorm, just a "the cameras can't see the stage" sort of rainstorm. The "political arm" of FOTF is doing this because they're pro-life and believe in the sanctity of marriage (oops, guess they forgot that Obama is faithfully married to his only wife and McCain divorced his first wife after multiple affairs) and they want to win. So, why not a little rain and, presumably, some well-placed Yahweh directed lightning to take out the rival?

Seems the good folks at FOTF were criticized for politicizing their God-given mission to help parents whip their kids into submission and were so mortified and confused that they pulled the ad lest they "misrepresent the importance of prayer."


These people are, to quote Jim (don't photograph me from my right side because it shows my comb-over) Dobson, "fruitcakes."

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