Monday, December 10, 2007

Christians and Tragedy

I'm always impressed with the gleeful response of Christians who survive a near-miss. Especially when guns (or, for that matter, inclement weather) are involved.

Witness the recent shooting at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. The survivors "prayed and asked God for protection." Guess what? They lived! The security guard who took down the shooter "prayed to the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance" and low and behold, her first bullet did the trick. She also took the time in her news conference a day later to inform the press corp that "I am single and looking for God to bring me the right husband." Maybe the free advertising will bring her a few interested parties. Nothing like exploiting the pain of someone else to do a little fishing for a mate on the side. (Sickening.)

What about those poor Christians who were less fortunate? The family of two teen-age girls who tragically died? Did they lack the wisdom, faith, or foresight to ask for divine assistance? Was it somehow all in God's perfect plan that they were slaughtered on their way out of church?

Of course not. That's just stupid. Not to mention silly and wrong. But that's what you would think if you listened to the glowing reports of the living.

We prayed. We had faith. We survived. We're alive. God is great. Those who died are in a better place. Blah, blah, blah.

When are these zealots going to realize that their verbal drivel does nothing more than reveal how small-minded and petty and immature and self-centered they really are? It certainly does nothing to impress the world with the supposed glory and power of their mythical god.


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