Monday, December 10, 2007

Stop Worrying. The 2008 Presidential Race is Over.

God has spoken. It's Mike Huckabee. So now all of you Evangelical Republicans (sorry for the redundancy) who think Arkansas is the source of all evil can relax and make your summer travel plans to the Ozarks. I know you've been dying to go.

Mike (a creationist big government compassionate conservative and former Southern Baptist preacher), has declared that his rise in the polls is due to nothing less than "the same power that helped a small boy with five loaves and two small fishes feed a crowd of five thousand." In fact, thousands of good Christian Americans (sorry, I did it again) are at home on their knees praying that once again, something small would be made big. Huckabee said it. At Liberty University no less! So it must be true. Iowans believe him, too. So there. They're "salt of the earth kind of people."

And dumb as posts. Lemmings. The rest of the field doesn't stand a chance.

Hillary (too Clintonian), Obama (too educated), Thompson (too slow), Giuliani (too married), and Romney (too Mormon) can all go home, along with the rest of us, and await the coming theocracy.

I'll be around...


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