Monday, December 10, 2007

An Introduction...

Welcome to my blog! After a careful mapping of my personal genome about seven years ago I discovered what I had long suspected... I do not possess the religion gene.

Believe me, I acted in every way as if I did. I grew up a fundamentalist Baptist (sorry for the redundancy), was president of my youth group, went to bible college, graduated from seminary, and became a senior pastor of an evangelical church. I listened to (dreadful) christian radio, read Swindoll and Dobson, and voted Red without even looking at the names. I felt guilty when I lusted and inadequate when I prayed. I mean, if there was ever a person who really "wanted" to be religious, it was me.

And then at thirty-five I woke up, got rational, and decided after a seven year intellectual voyage that atheism and evolution are for smart people who think about themselves and the world around them.

And now I have REALLY joined the twenty-first Century and started my very own blog.

There is, obviously, much more to know so if you are interested please ask.

Mostly, I want to know what you are thinking... about politics, religion, (and the inextricable joining of the two), Bush's war, the campaign, the threat of Theocracy in the US, and whatever else you care to share.

I'll be around....


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